Amaan uPVC Windows & Doors

  • 31.484662, 74.458572


Amaan uPVC Energy efficient Windows and Doors uPVC (Un-plasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride) material an advanced form of traditional PVC with added benefits of durability, high strength & Color, Steadfastness at extreme temperatures. Amaan uPVC products are produced with computer controlled machinery under strict quality control, which allows us to provide warranties upto 10 years. The use of Amaan uPVC windows and doors guarantees major savings in cooling & heating costs, as well as effective sound and dust insulations. Amaan uPVC windows and doors are competitively priced, maintenance free and can be tailor-made to your requirements.

Amaan uPVC Windows & Doors

  • Company Industry:Consultancy
  • Email:[email protected]
  • Mobile+92 03206277299
  • Landline+92 4237133155
  • Address line 1 : 201-J, Main Boulevard, Phase 6, DHA
  • Address line 2 :
  • State : Punjab
  • Pin/ Zip: 54810